Horse Saftey Breakaway stirrups by STI Saddle Technology Incorporated Break Away Stirrups

Documented Draggings Prevented
Documented Draggings Prevented 320320 Documented Horse Draggings Prevented by Break Away StirrupsHorse Saftey Saves Lives and tries to minimalize serious damage caused by horse dragging from stirrups
STI Horse Saftey Stirrups Work!

Endorsements of Breakaway Stirrups
from Saddle Technology Inc.

Billings, Montana

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be safe & save-money, too!
Safety programs offer insurance discounts

STI ( recently learned that the Montana State Fund, the workman's comp in Montana, is offering a 4% discount for ranches, including dude and guest ranches, that implement a safety program.

STI's breakaway stirrups are recognized in this safety program. After 20 years and 217 documented draggings prevented, breakaway stirrups will now be part of a broadstrearn safety program. These stirrups have proven their reliability and effec-tiveness in all 50 states and 14 foreign countries.
Read the entire article of the Western Ag Reporter

Tim Feland, PRCA Calf Roper

Tim Feland PRCA Calf Roper rides STI's Breakaway Stirrups

PRCA cowboy Tim Feland, former, 2006 Old Timers tie-downroping World Champion, has been riding our stirrups since about 1989. Tim thinks he's quicker on his dismounts because of the torsion-pressure feature of our stirrups. It stabilizes the stirrup better, so it's easier for him to clear the stirrups on the dismount. Tim has lost a good friend to a dragging before, so he also knows the importance of riding with breakaway stirrups.

Leslie Desmond

Leslie Desmond is a horse trainer and cl