Horse Saftey Breakaway stirrups by STI Saddle Technology Incorporated Break Away Stirrups

Documented Draggings Prevented
Documented Draggings Prevented 320320 Documented Horse Draggings Prevented by Break Away StirrupsHorse Saftey Saves Lives and tries to minimalize serious damage caused by horse dragging from stirrups
STI Horse Saftey Stirrups Work!

Riding on S.T.I.'s Breakaway Stirrup

This stirrup will look and ride like any other stirrup. The stirrup fits conveniently in your stirrup leather just like any other stirrup would. The mechanism hides conveniently in the stirrup leathers, so no one will be able to tell the difference between this stirrup, and one that might drag you. This stirrup won't impede proper horsemanship, it may in fact give you the confidence to improve your horsemanship.

Breakaway Stirrup mechanism fits into existing stirrup leather

Stirrup mechanism fits in stirrup leather

Stirrup looks just like any other stirrup

Breakaway Stirrup looks just like any other stirrup

Horse Saftey is important to riders of Breakaway stirrups by STI

Breakaway Stirrups
can be crafted to match show or rodeo gear.

These stirrups have given many of our customers the confidence to ride in proper balance with their horse, and the ability to enjoy riding again.

Another advantage of this stirrup is what we like to call the torsion pressure feature. It takes 8 lbs. of torsion pressure to move the springs inside of the mechanism and rotate the stirrup. Tim Feeland, PRCA Calf Roper uses Breakaway Stirrups by Saddle Technology IncorporatedMost conventional stirrups will swing freely at the end of the stirrup leather. STI's stirrup will not swing as freely, and offer a rider more stability in a stirrup. In our research most buckoffs or fall offs are started when a rider "blows a stirrup", that is, their foot slips out of the stirrup. Once you've "blown" a conventional stirrup the stirrup will generally swing forward and be hard to regain putting the rider out of balance, or swing backward allowing the rider to put their whole foot through the stirrup. Our stirrups do not swing as easily and should prevent about 70% of stirrup blowouts. But if you do blow a stirrup riding a colt for instance, STI's stirrup will be at the end of the stirrup leather and easy to get back into in a bind. Tim Feland, a PRCA calf roper, actually thinks he's quicker on his dismount because of this torsion pressure feature. The stirrup stays at the end of the stirrup leather, and allows him to get out easy when he has to, saving him a few tenths.

Breakaway Stirrups Mechanism and parts

Reloading the mechanism

As with any tack, its a good idea to become familiar with this mechanism, how it works, and how to reload it.

reload step 1 breakaway stirrup 1. To cock it, spread the leavers one at a time until they click.

reload step 2 breakaway stirrup 2. To load in your stirrup, place the mechanism between the clips inside of your stirrup, line up the square holes with the shaft while rotating and squeezing the levers together.